
Schiedam 1598

22:35 Jan 1 2015 Schiedam, the Netherlands

Schiedam 1598
Very fine map of Schiedam by Jacob de Gheyn II (Antwerp 1565 – The Hague 1629). He was a Dutch painter and engraver, whose work shows the transition from Northern Mannerism to Dutch realism over the course of his career. His work attracted the attention of wealthy sponsors, a first commission was for the engraving of the Siege of Geertruidenberg from Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange. This event from March 27 to June 24, 1593, had been more of a demonstration of power by Prince Maurits, than an actual war, and had even attracted tourists. As a publicity stunt, the siege and its subsequent engraving were successful in propagating an image of Prince Maurits as an able general.
Additional Data
year: 1598
accuracy (m): 25
map size (Mb): 100
artist: Jacob de Gheyn II
publisher: Jacob de Gheyn
image source: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam the Netherlands
map download link 1:
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Credibility: UP DOWN 0
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