
Hoorn 1596

20:32 Jan 1 2015 Hoorn, the Netherlands

Hoorn 1596
Fantastic map by Paulus van Wtewael engraver, sealer and medallist. He was active in Utrecht between 1570 and 1580 , in 1584 he was in Kampen. After he settled up in Hoorn as a medallist of the West-Friese Munt and together with Egbert Sweerdes they were appointed 'keurmeester' at the gild of silver and goldsmiths in Hoorn.Son of Jacob Jansz Wtewael, goldsmith at Amersfoort and Margriete van Oudewater Woutersdr. First cousin of the painter Joachim Anthonisz Wtewael.
Additional Data
year: 1596
accuracy (m): 16
map size (Mb): 200
artist: Paulus van Wtewael
publisher: Pieter van Uiterwael
image source: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam the Netherlands
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